Why Should You Buy Handmade Jewellery?

If you are seeking a more special, unique piece of jewellery, then handmade is the way to go. Handmade jewellery is far more personal and allows you to have something that few other people have. Rather than cheaply made, mass produced items, you'll be wearing a piece of small batch, slow made wearable art. 

Support Local Business

The obvious benefit of locally handmade jewellery is that you can be sure that your new accessories have been made in NZ, rather than an in unknown location overseas where it is more difficult to ensure ethical practices have been followed.

Design Flexibility

Without a large chain of command, or even large supply chain - there is much less distance between you and the designer of your handmade jewellery (that's me!). This means that the opportunities for creativity are endless, and your earrings can be tailored to your exact tastes.

Fair Prices

Sometimes, when things seem too good to be true - they are. When you see a pair of earrings sold online in NZ or elsewhere for a really cheap price, it raises certain questions. How can the people who made those earrings have been paid a fair price for their labour if the earrings take an hour to make and are only $5? If we are in the portion of people who have the ability to buy luxuries like handmade jewellery, we should be sure that we are doing so ethically, and buying locally made products is a good start.

Easy Answers

When you're buying from a small business, you're most likely dealing with just one person that does everything, or a small team. This means that on occasions where you need some extra help or have some questions - or even in the rare event there's been an issue with your jewellery - you know you'll get assistance quickly and easily. As a jewellery designer it's also just really cool being able to chat with you!

At the end of the day, when you buy handmade jewellery from a local New Zealand business, you're buying something with a story. Each piece has been slowly and lovingly made with hand, and you're able to connect with the jewellery on a much more meaningful level knowing that your purchase has supported your local community. 

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Handmade jewelry is a labor of love, crafted with passion, creativity, and meticulous attention to detail. Unlike mass-produced pieces, handcrafted jewelry is unique and carries a personal touch that sets it apart. This art form allows skilled artisans to express their individuality, create meaningful connections with customers, and showcase their craftsmanship in every intricate design.


One of the most striking aspects of jewellery is its ability to evoke emotions and tell stories. Each piece can carry deep sentimental value, marking important milestones, relationships, or personal beliefs. Engagement rings symbolize the commitment and love between two individuals, while family heirlooms pass down generations, preserving cherished memories. In some cultures, jewellery is also worn as a talisman or amulet, believed to bring luck, protection, or ward off evil spirits.


Great Article ! amazing content to read with interest.


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